Lenders need to submit their loan in either myOptigo or OUS. This triggers the loan to then populate into HappyCo.
If your inspection fails to appear in Optigo Happy after submitting the request to Freddie Mac, please submit a ticket and our Support team will assist you.
When submitting a ticket for inspection integration, please be sure to include the following applicable information regarding your inspection:
- Loan type: SBL, Conventional or Specialty:
- Loan Number:
- Property Name:
- Full Address:
- Unit Count:
- Loan Purpose (Refinance or Acquisition)
- Region:
- Lender:
- Branch office:
- Seller number:
When the support team creates an inspection, you will need to upload the inspection report manually to the Document Management System (DMS). Please be sure to download the inspection report PDFs to upload to DMS.
The support ticket can be entered here: https://support.optigohappy.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
Still having trouble? If you are having trouble you can visit support.optigohappy.com or if urgent call dedicated support at (447) 427-7926.